Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ma Precious..

Mmmm.. Wat is the most precious thing in my life?? Of course my consiousness (kalau x, xbernyawa la me nih!!), my parents, my frens.. But now i want to story about 2 precious persons yang me baru dapat.. siapa?? My hubby and son!! Yup.. this is the 2 persons yang me sangat2 sayang dan sangat2 hargai skang..

Dulu2 masa me blom kawin, life agak sronok jugak.. Keluar ngan gugurl sumer, lepak2 dari malam sampai pagi.. bebas.. takde commitment.. satu2nye commitment pun, study.. lain2 tu sibuk bersuke ria, paling tak pun keluar ngan boyfriend..

But now, since dah married, baru tau erti tanggungjawab yang sebenar, baru tau erti belanja berhemah (cuih!! seblom nih boros je..) baru tau erti berkongsi hidup, and macam2 lagi laaa.. And since my son was born (May 2007), rasa life ni sangat bermakna giteww.. Tengok dia membesar depan mata, dia ketawa, dia nangis, dia ngada.. hepi sangat!! Kengkadang rasa macam tak percaya that now i'm married with my beloved husband and having a son wit him.. (sebab dulu masa bercinta memang banyak kontroversi.. kawin gak akhirnyee!! hehehehe)...

So kengkawan, sesapa pun yang u ols sayang, hargai la while they still alive.. Buat la apape pun to show ur appreciation.. Walaupun juz by saying i love you.. I'm sure they will appreciate u back...

Abah je yang lebih2

Ini ler 2 precious persons for me...

Suke sangat menyakat budak tu, geram kengkadang!!


Anonymous said...

best nye ada 2 orang tersayang yang sentiasa disisi... hargai nya selalu...

leftEye said...

u'll get it soon daybab.. hehehehe..